Does thinking about going out make you physically sick? People are TOO CLOSE! Here is the solution.

on March 16, 2023

I hate people. Especially people who just get too close and have no respect at all for my hatred. Makes me sick to my stomach and I have a special type of hate for them. It’s based in that I don’t care about them. I don’t care if they don’t care about me, we are just shopping in the same store. Can we just go pleeeeaaaaseeee go the place where we comfortably ignore each other?

Don't even get me started on people walking on the streets. I mean, seriously, back off a bit, will ya? And the useless roommates and “loved ones” at home. It's supposed to be where we relax and kick back. They're always up in my grill, asking questions “what are you thinking about..?”, “where have you been..?” “why did you eat my food”, and getting in my face like they're trying to become Siamese twins or merge with me.

Well, solution is here my friend. We designed Too Close just for this reason and you are going to love it.

Too close hoodie and jacket

The Too Close t-shirts and hoodies are the perfect way to signal to people in public that they need to back the heck off.  Bomber jacket - ultimate 'back off, man' appeal because it just has that extra pizzazz. Hoodies are awesome.


Too close t-shirt

And for those awkward home situations, the Too Close t-shirt will let your loved ones know that you need your space. 

Too close blanket

The blanket is cleverly designed that you can silently raise the volume of your annoyance where one side is in small print, and the other side is enormous, and nobody will fail to get the message.

So, if you're tired of being smothered like a chicken in a frying pan, grab some Too Close gear today. You'll thank me when you're finally able to breathe freely again. You are welcome.

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